Friday, August 17, 2012

Success Spotlight on Brigita Orel

Brigita Orel is one of New Sun Rising's contributors who has enjoyed a momentum of successes this year.

Her short story 'Her Only Fruit' has just been published by Eunoia Review. She wrote the story as part of her final project for her master's study in writing at Swinburne. 

Another flash fiction piece  by her will be included in the second volume of the Machine of Death anthology. The editors descibed it as 'A quiet story of a loving relationship.' The first volume of stories about people who know how they will die was published in 2010 and became the best selling book on Amazon on the day of its publication. For more information on the second volume, visit the book's website.

'Afterthought' was published in Foliate Oak Literary Journal  and received honorable mention at the Arkansas College Media Association 2012 Conference. 

For other recent publications, visit Brigita's blog.